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Kevin Millican Commercial Refinishers takes its obligations concerning data protection seriously. We are providing this notice, so you have information about how we collect and process your personal data. We ask you to please read this Privacy Notice as it has important information you need to know.



What does our company do?


Kevin Millican Commercial Refinishers provide a commercial vehicle refinishing service across the UK. The main office and data functions are carried out at our head office at Bothel Quarry, Bothel, Wigton, Cumbria.


What information do we collect and process?


In order for us to help with your business needs we may collect from you, necessary personal data. “Personal Data” is information about you which, either on its own or when connected with other data, allows us to identify you as an individual customer to provide you with our services. The personal data we hold may include the following:


·         Your full name and contact information (address, town, postcode, email and phone number)

·         Your credit card details and/or bank account details (if paying by cheque or bank transfer)

·         Your purchase details (including time, date and cost, and VAT status)

·         Your calls and correspondence with us

·         Your feedback



Personal data will be collected from you or passed to us by a referral business. However, some personal data may, where lawful to do so, or with your consent, be collected by us from third parties.

Please note that you are under no obligation to provide us with your personal data, but not providing certain data could prevent us from serving you.






Why do we need your personal data?


Kevin Millican Commercial Refinishers processes personal data about you for a number of purposes, including:


·         To prepare documentation for you in order to provide quotes

·         To follow up with you shortly after the service to ensure you are happy with the service provided.

·         For internal record keeping (to be able to respond to customer enquiry and invoicing)

·         To make an appointment with you to assess the scope of the project.

·         To process payments by credit/debit card or bank account details

·         To remind or update you of progress or appointment dates

·         To provide our services to you as requested or agreed

·         To help us improve the services we offer


This list is not exhaustive and may be updated from time to time. We do not ‘trade’ in your personal data and will not sell or rent your details.



Who will your personal data be shared with?


Kevin Millican Commercial Refinishers may share information with third party suppliers as required for external services and materials, however this will only be for the contract we are carrying out at that time.


We may disclose specific information upon lawful request by government authorities, law enforcement and regulatory authorities where required or permitted by law.


In the event that we sell our business, we may share your details with the buyer to enable them to fulfil the service we have agreed with you.


Your personal information will not be transferred to, stored or otherwise processed outside the UK.



Do we get involved in direct marketing?


Kevin Millican Commercial Refinishers does not get involved in direct marketing at present.









What rights do you have to amend personal data?


You have the right to review the personal data held by us and have inaccurate information about you corrected. To understand more about our data processing activities or to request access to your personal information please contact Kevin Millican on 07836 708399 or email


How long do we keep your personal data?


Kevin Millican Commercial Refinishers may keep your details on record for as long as it is necessary to meet record keeping requirements. We hold booking, job details , invoice and email details for seven years. They are then deleted in accordance with data protection and other applicable legislation.


Changes to this Privacy Notice


Kevin Millican Commercial Refinishers may change this Privacy Notice from time to time in order to reflect changes in the law.


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